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    World Baseball Classic 結果共9筆

  • Sadaharu Oh roots for Taiwan in Asia Baseball Championship

    Sadaharu Oh, Taiwanese-Japanese baseball legend, expressed his wish for the Taiwan team to triumph over South Korea in the Asian Baseball Championship. He hopes that in three years, Japan and Taiwan will join forces in the World Baseball Classic finals. Oh praised the Taipei Dome’s facilities and believes that players competing in such an exceptional environment will feel more confident, enhancing their ability to bring glory to their country and Asia. Reflecting on his own experiences in the Tokyo Dome, Oh emphasized the importance of a great setting in nurturing heroes and predicted that the presence of the Taipei Dome will improve the future of Taiwanese baseball.
    2023/12/02 17:21
  • Taiwan celebrates Yu Chang’s exceptional showing at WBC

    Taiwanese baseball sensation, Yu Chang, has become a rising star after his standout performance for the Chinese Taipei national baseball team at the 2023 World Baseball Classic (WBC). 
    2023/03/15 15:32
  • Yu Chang’s former high school draws attention after MVP win

    Taiwanese baseball player Yu Chang was crowned Most Valuable Player of Pool A at the 2023 World Baseball Classic (WBC) on Sunday (March 12), igniting support from fans across Taiwan.
    2023/03/15 15:27
  • Team Taiwan’s fans show unwavering support for players

    Team Taiwan took on Cuba in the World Baseball Classic (WBC) on Sunday, resulting in a loss for the Taiwanese team, also called Chinese Taipei. 
    2023/03/13 17:53
  • 張育成驚人滿貫砲!1棒轟出新「專有名詞」 獲經典賽封號

    2023年世界棒球經典賽、迄今世界第2大規模國際棒球賽事,自本月8日正式開打,並分別在3個國家、4個棒球場進行比賽,而中華隊也在昨(11)日迎戰荷蘭,最終以9:5奪得連二勝。最讓全場球迷沸騰的是,張育成在2局下半敲出首支飛越中外野高牆外的滿貫全壘打,經典賽官方粉專更為張育成創下新的專有名詞,「育成經驗(The Yu Chang experience)」。
    2023/03/12 08:07
  • Chinese Taipei prepares for 2023 World Baseball Classic

    The Chinese Taipei team is preparing for the 2023 World Baseball Classic, slated for March 7 to 21.
    2023/02/16 10:22
  • 海報缺中華隊!蔡其昌要MLB改 網友點關鍵:難道要退賽?

    世界棒球經典賽今(10)日在臉書「World Baseball Classic」公布各組別參賽名單,但釋出的官方A組海報卻沒有地主隊的中華隊球員,引爆球迷怒火,就連承辦方悍創、中華職棒都表達嚴陣抗議,要求修正,而立法院副院長、中華職業棒球大聯盟會長蔡其昌今也發聲,強調「MLB要在台灣辦比賽,就請尊重主辦國的球員,沒有妥協空間。」更有網友在底下怒嗆「不處理就不開打!」但也有人好奇MLB如堅持不改不道歉又能怎樣,「都沒有作為難道要退賽嗎?」
    2023/02/10 16:47
  • 經典賽分組海報獨漏地主中華隊!中職、悍創怒向大聯盟抗議

    世界棒球經典賽今(10)日公布各組別參賽名單,但釋出的官方A組海報,卻沒有地主隊的中華隊球員,引發球迷怒火,灌爆官方臉書「World Baseball Classic」對此,負責中華隊行銷事宜的悍創運動行銷也在臉書發布聲明,強調得知後立即在第一時間告知MLB官方並提出嚴正抗議,要求即刻做出修正。
    2023/02/10 14:57
  • 棒球經典賽海報曝光!中華隊「被消失」 網炸鍋:基本尊重呢?

    世界棒球經典賽20國參賽名單今(10)日出爐,而中華隊和荷蘭、古巴、義大利、巴拿馬同屬A組,今(10)日世界棒球經典賽官方臉書「World Baseball Classic」PO出各組名單和海報,不過,A組海報上卻沒有看到任何一名中華隊球員身影,引發不少網友留言抗議,「沒台灣球員,基本尊重都沒有」、「連一樣沒有大聯盟球員的中國隊都有給他放上去封面」、「A組地主台灣整個被忽略」。
    2023/02/10 12:16
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